Appeal 2011
Total raised for the year £3,324.49

It runs Elizabeth Court in Camden street Gosport. It relies on donations to help keep it running they are in need of some monies to put in place a call system in each flat if the the person requires assistance. this will be a donation on behalf of the buffs as approx six bothers live there.
A late addition to my appeal – the ward deals with children with respritary problems so I am donating two televisions to the ward, as at this time they only have two between 13 beds all of which are young children.
As my year is now over it remains for me say a big thank you to all my officers for their support in helping me in the events and visits that I did throughout the year and raising the grand sum of £3,324:49
Also to everyone in the club and members of the public who supported and attended the Fun Day and other events that took part over the past 12 months. I must at this point say a massive Thank-You to my good Buffess, Sister Tracey for putting up with me and allowing me to go out on the visits and spend hours on the computer researching and planning stuff.
I would like to thank the members of the Gosport Province for allowing me the Great Honour of occupying the top chair as Provincial Grand Primo of the Gosport and District Province.
I wish Brother Ian Dudgeon ROH as PGP 2012 and all his officers all the best for the coming year.
Yours Fraternally;
Bro Paul Shortt KOM PGP 2011